羅文笙 Vincent Rollet 副教授 Associate Professor
歐盟莫內教學模組計畫主持人 Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Module on Environmental Health; 國際合作交流教師 Coordinator for International Academic Exchange, Graduate Institute of European Studies
- 辦公室Z402
- 聯絡電話5630
- 聯絡信箱vincent.rollet59@gmail.com
- 網站http://monblog59vr.blogspot.com/
▸ Nationality: France
研究領域 | Research Field
▸ 歐盟外交政策 / EU foreign policy
▸ 歐洲整合 / European integration
▸ 歐亞關係 / Asia-Specialty Europe relations
▸ 歐盟衛生政策 / EU health policy
▸ 法國外交 / French diplomacy
▸ 國際政治經濟學 / International political economy
學歷 | Education
▸ 巴黎政治大學政治學暨國際關係博士
▸ Ph.D. in International Relations, Paris Institute of Education Political Studies
經歷 | Experience
2017 - |
文藻外語大學歐洲研究所專任副教授 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University of Language |
2016 - 2017 |
文藻外語大學歐洲研究所專任助理教授 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University of Language |
2011 - 2016 |
文藻外語大學法國語文系專任助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of French, Wenzao Ursuline University of Language |
2014 - |
天主教⾥爾⼤學歐洲研究概論客座教授 Visiting Professor of European Studies, European Summer Programme, Catholic University of Lille, France. Course: "Introduction to European Studies: History, Politics and Society" |
2015 - |
亞洲健康識能學會歐洲事務顧問 Advisor on European Affairs, Asian Health Literacy Association, (since 2015) |
2011 - |
CEFC 研究員 Research Associate, French Study Centre on Contemporary China, (CEFC), Taipei, Taiwan. |
2015.02 |
天主教魯汶⼤學「台灣衛⽣外交研討會」客座教授 Visiting professor, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Seminar on "Taiwan's Health Diplomacy" to Master students |
2014.06 -2014.09 |
UNU-CRIS 客座研究員 Visiting Researcher, United-Nations University Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNUCRIS), Bruges, Belgium |
2012.11.27 - 11.28 |
研討會共同協辦與報告員 Co-organizer and Rapporteur, "1st Research Exchange Workshop on Social Determinants of Migrants' Health Across Asia and Europe", AsiaEurope Foundation (ASEF), Barcelona. |
2010 - 2014 |
歐盟科研架構計畫(FP7/展望2020)健康醫療主題歐洲事務顧問 Advisor on European Research Cooperation, Taiwan Health National Contact Point of the EU Framework Programme on Research and Innovation (FP7 / Horizon 2020) |
2009 - 2011 |
台北醫學⼤學國際事務處歐洲事務顧問 Advisor on European Affairs, International Office, Taipei Medical University (TMU) |
2007 - 2009 |
駐歐盟兼駐⽐利時代表處衛⽣組助理研究員 Research assistant, Health Division, Taipei Representative Office in the EU and in Belgium, Brussels |
報刊文章 | Newspaper
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2011.02.17 |
“More room for Taiwan to join EU researches”, Taipei Times, p.8. (與 Peter Chang、PC.Yang 共同撰寫,本人為共同作者) |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2011.10.20 |
“A future for Taiwan’s new health diplomacy”, Taipei Times, p.8.(與 Peter Chang 共同撰寫,本人為第一作者) |
2011.06.24 |
“Taiwan's health diplomacy: time to move forward”, British Medical Journal [ Rapid Response to Ilona Kickbush’s article](與 Peter Chang 共同撰寫,本人為第一作 者) |
2009.07 - 2009.09 |
“A Short snapshot in a history spanned 38 years in between: Interview with Dr. L. Verstuyft, the Representative of the WHO in Taiwan from October 1968 to December 1971”, WHO AFSM Quarterly News, Geneva, n.77.(與 Peter Chang 共 同撰寫,本人為第一作者) |
2006.07.17 |
“Protect the right of People living with HIV/AIDS”, Taipei Times, p.4. |
2005.12 |
“Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Taiwan “ (in Chinese), Renlai, Esprit/ Institut Ricci, pp. 58-63. |
期刊論文 | Journal Article
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2017.11 |
Influence of EU-ASEAN health interregionalism on Regional Health Governance, Asia Europe Journal (SSCI), Vol. 5, Issue 3, November, pp.243-259. |
2015.09 |
The EU and transnational health policy networks: a case study of interaction with the Global Fund’, Contemporary Politics (SSCI), Vol.21, N.3, September, p.258-272. (與 Ana B. Amaya 共同撰寫,本人為第一作者) |
2015.08 |
‘What’s in a word? The framing of health at the regional level: ASEAN, EU, SADC and UNASUR’, Global Social Policy (EconLit, Scopus), N.2, Vol.15, August(與 Ana B. Amaya、Stephen Kingah 共同撰寫,本人為共同作者) |
2013.03 |
Négocier l’accès à la santé au niveau mondial: Processus, concrétisation et défis de la diplomatie sanitaire mondiale’ [Negotiating Health Access at the Global Level: Processes, Concretizations and Challenges of Global Health Diplomacy], Etudes Internationales, March, pp.109-130. |
2013.08 |
‘Is the European Union a global health actor? An analysis of its capacities, involvement and challenges’, European Foreign Affairs Review (EFAR) (EBSCO, Scopus), Vol.18, Issue 3, August, pp.309-328.(與張武修共同撰寫,本人為第一作 者) |
2009 |
“Taiwan-Europe: a constructive and sane relationship that needs to be further developed. Interview with Kau Ying-Mao” (In French), Monde Chinois, no.18, Summer, p.100-106. |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2014.09 |
“Framing epidemic as an issue of national security: The case of SARS and H5N1 in Taiwan”, Extrême Orient-Extrême Occident. |
2013.03 |
Negotiating Health Access at the Global Level: Processes, Concretizations and Challenges of Global Health Diplomacy”(In French), Etudes Internationales (Canada), pp.109-130. |
2012.12 |
“Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases by 2016: A Challenging Commitment for the WHO Western Pacific Region”, Health Diplomacy Monitor, December, p.17-20. |
2009 |
“Transnational origin of a local response to HIV/AIDS in Henan Province”, China Perspectives, [Special Feature: Chinese Society confronted with HIV/AIDS], no.72, p.p.17-28. |
2008 |
“An alternative to better global health”, World Medical Journal, Vol.54, No.3, p. 83-84. (與 Peter Chang 共同撰寫,本人為第一作者) |
2006 |
“New concept of security and management of epidemics in China “ (in French), Politique et Sociétés, (Canada), vol.25, no.2-3, pp.69-103. |
2005 |
“Taiwanese NGOs and HIV/AIDS: From the national to the transnational», China Perspectives, n.60, pp.16-29. |
2005.06 |
“Obstacles, dynamism and challenges for Taiwanese NGOs in the fight against HIV/ Aids » (in French), Face à Face. Regards sur la santé, ADES, UMR CNRS Université Bordeaux II, N.7, pp.19-30. |
研討會論文 | Proceedings
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2017.11.10 |
«EU health interregionalism with ASEAN and the African Union», Wenzao Workshop on the European Union (EU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
2017.05.11 |
«Emmanuel Macron’s foreign policy and its potential consequences for Asia». Workshop on “The impacts of 2017 French Presidential Elections”, Taiwan-Asian Education, Science and Culture Association & Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei. |
2014.08.30 |
“EU-ASEAN Health Interregionalism: Infectious Diseases as a common challenge”, Weekly research seminar, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) Bruges |
2013.01.29 - 01.30 |
“Nature and Functions of Asia-EU Interregional Response to Pandemic Influenza”, Paper presented at the 2013 Asian Pacific Roundtable on the European Union Studies on ‘Foreign and EU Policies of Asia Pacific Countries in the Emerging New Regional Orders’, Hualien, Taiwan. |
2012.12.07 |
“The EU as a global health actor”, Conference on “EU as a global actor” organized by the Taiwan EU Centre, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei |
2012.11.26 |
“Is the European Union a Global Health Actor? Reviewing its involvement and influence in global health to better appreciate its challenges”, Paper presented at Taipei Medical University (TMU) Global Health Policy Workshop, Taipei. |
2012.03.08 - 03.09 |
“Summary and main conclusions of the 1st Research Exchange Workshop on Social Determinants of Migrants’ Health across Asia and Europe”, as Special Rapporteur of the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF)/ Casia Asia (Spain) Workshop on Social Determinants of Migrants’ Health across Asia and Europe, Barcelona. |
2011.11.24 - 11.25 |
“Regional response to global health issues: The involvement of regional institutions in the fight against infectious diseases in Asia and Europe”, 5th Congress of the Asian Politics and International Studies Association (APISA5), Taichung. |
2010.11.24 |
“Taiwan and the 7th EU Framework Program for Research (FP7): Experience and challenges in the health area”, Workshop on EU Research Programme and National Contact Points, European Commission, Brussels. |
2004.12.10 |
“European-Asian Cooperation in the new era“, Monthly Seminars of the CEFC, Academia Sinica, Taipei. |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2017.10.27 |
“ASEAN's response to Communicable Diseases : Achievements and Main Challenges”, 2017 Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies – Beyond Borders and Boundaries, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
2015.09.14 - 09.15 |
“Taiwan and China Health Diplomacies in the Pacific. What Identity and Security Dimensions ?], Conference on « Convoited Oceania”, University of French Polynesia (UPF) /CNRS, Paris. |
2015.09.09 - 09.11 |
“Specificities, Challenges and Future Evolution of Taiwan’s Development Aid”, 5th Congress on Asia-Pacific, Réseau Asie/CNRS, Paris. |
2014.03.26 |
“Taiwan’s Involvement in Global Health”, International Health Training Workshop, Taiwan International Health Centre (TIHC), Taipei. |
2011.02.24 |
“Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and Infectious Diseases”, (in French), Monthly Seminars of the French Study Center on Contemporary China (CEFC), Academia Sinica, Taipei. |
專書 | Book
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2016.07 |
Approaches and Implementation of Asian and European Official Development Assistance (ODA), Academia-L’Harmattan, Louvain-la-Neuve, 出版日期:2016 年 7 月 出版社:Harmattan-Academia ISBN: 978-280-610-2959 |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2016.09 |
Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and Communicable Diseases. A Global Involvement with identity and security dimensions [In French], Academia – L’Harmattan, Louvain-laNeuve, 150 p. |
專書論文 | Book Chapter
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2016 |
The EU and transnational health policy networks: a case study of interaction with the Global Fund. In S. Kingah, V.A Schmidt and W. Yong (eds.), The European Union’s Engagement with Transnational Policy Networks, Abingdon: Routledge, pp.28-42. (與 Ana B. Amaya 共同撰寫,本人為共同作者) |
2016 |
Recent Evolution, Persistent Challenges and Future Direction of Taiwan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) and its Comparison with European Aid In: Vincent Rollet (ed), Approaches and Implementation of Asian and European Official Development Assistance (ODA), Academia- L’Harmattan, Louvain-la-Neuve, July, pp.59-77. |
2015 |
The EU as a Health Actor in Asia: EU-Asian Interregional Response to Highly Pathogenic and (Re)-emerging Diseases. In H-D Su (ed.), Asian Countries’ Strategies towards the European Union in an Inter-regionalist Context, National Taiwan University (NTU) Press, Taipei, pp.323-350. |
2015.07 |
歐盟為全球衛生的行為能力者:政策、參與及挑戰,歐洲聯盟的全球角色,國 立臺灣大學出版中心, ISBN:978-986-350-088-9,pp. 459-508.(與張武修共 同撰寫,本人為第一作者) |
2012.09 |
法國青年在歐洲行動力的展現:發展趨勢與挑戰,文藻外語大學改變世界的力 量歐洲青年活動研討會論文集,冠唐國際圖書股份有限公司,ISBN: 978-986-6089-20-6,pp.11-21.(與傅恆忠共同撰寫,本人為共同作者) |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2018.06 |
“ASEAN's response to Communicable Diseases : Nature, International Cooperation and Main Challenges”. In. S.C.Y Ku and H. Chien (eds.) Southeast Asia, Beyond Borders and Boundaries, Wenzao University Press, pp. 159-187. |
2017 |
Taiwanese and Chinese Health Diplomacies in South Pacific: Identity and Security dimensions (In French). In: S.A Wardi, J.M Regnault et J.F Sabouret (eds.), L'Océanie convoitée, CNRS Editions & Api Editions, Paris-Papeete. |
2012.06 |
Global Health Diplomacy (In Chinese). In P. Chang, International Health, Huaxing Press, Taipei, pp.395-417. |
2011.03 |
“HIV/AIDS in Taiwan : National and transnational responses of Taiwanese NGOs”, in: F. Eboko, F. Bourdier (eds.), Collective mobilization against HIV/AIDS in the world, IRD Press, Paris, p.113-145 (in French). |
學術研究報告 | Research Project
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2012.11 |
1st Research Exchange Workshop on Social Determinants of Migrants' Health Across Asia and Europe, Proceedings, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Singapore, 39p. |
2008.05 |
Migration: Challenges and Opportunities for Health Systems in Europe and beyond, Taiwan Seminars Series, Brussels, 11p. |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2007.09 |
Chapters on “Health cooperatives” (p49-66), “HIV/AIDS situation” (p.67-81) and « Access to healthcare at the local level”(p.82-122) in : Ricci Institute of Taipei/ Sanofi Aventis, China : The Health of the Poorest People, September 2007, TaipeiParis, 127 p. |
科技部研究計畫 | MOST Project
歐盟領域 | EU Related
2019 08.01-2021 07.31 |
歐盟對越南與菲律賓的衛生雙邊主義:其模式、功能與主要挑戰 |
2018 - 2019 |
Principal Investigator- “European Parliament and Global Health”. Grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) |
2018 - 2019 |
Principal Investigator – ‘EU’s Development Assistance for Health (DAH) in the ASEAN region’ Grant from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. |
2015 - 2017 |
Principal Investigator- “Comparing Health Interregionalism between Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific” Grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) |
2013 - 2015 |
Principal Investigator– “Asia-Europe Health Interregionalism”. Grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) |
非歐盟領域 | Non- EU Related
2018 - 2017 |
Principal Investigator- ‘Taiwan’s participation in health multilateralism within international organizations: Modalities, Implications, Objectives and Main Challenges’. Grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). |
2017 |
Principal Investigator – ‘ASEAN's response to Communicable Diseases’ Grant from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. |
書籍評論 | Commentary
2006.07 - 2006.08 |
Susan Hunter, AIDS in Asia. A Continent in peril, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2005, 288p, in China Perspectives, no.96, July-august 2006, p.59-61. |
2006.04 |
Evelyne Micollier (ed.), Sexual Cultures in East Asia: The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk at a Time of AIDS, Routledge/Curzon, 2003, 279p., China Perspectives, no.94, April 2006, p.68. |