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發布日期 2024-03-27 08:32:00

☆★ 2024年歐洲暑期遊學計畫★☆
European Summer Program in FRANCE  (July 2024)

Time: 26 June – 24 July 2024 

Place: Lille (France) Catholic University of Lille (Wenzao’s partner university)

研習對象:(一)  年滿18歲對進修法文、對法國文化有興趣或希望瞭解歐盟背景之本校同學。
Participants: Students - among our university students - aged 18 or above who are interested in furthering their French language skills, exploring French culture, or seeking an understanding of the European Union background.

課程內容 Courses:  

-    早上課程(上午9點至中午12點):密集法語語言課程(小班授課)(48-51小時 – 6ECTS 學分)
-    下午課程(下午1:15至4:15):選修課程(法語或英語授課)(39小時 – 6ECTS學分)

-    Morning Class (9am-12pm): Intensive French Language Program (small classes) (48-51hours – 6 ECTS credits) 

-    Afternoon Class (1.15pm-4.15pm): Elective courses (Taught in French or in English) (39 hours – 6ECTS credits)

研習費用 Price:  
3,100 €  (If the number of students taking part in the ESP reaches 10, the price per student will be 2750 €)

-    學費:學費、課程材料
-    招待套餐:
    學生宿舍住宿
    餐飲卡,可在餐廳使用,帶有50歐元的餘額
    新生導向計劃
    利爾交通系統月票,可供使用
    使用大學設施的權限
    參觀布魯日和布魯塞爾的實地考察
    5場小組晚餐,文化和社交活動
-    行政費用:通常在註冊後不予退還。

-    Tuition fees: tuition fees, course materials
-    Hospitality package: 
    accommodation in student dorms, 
    meal pass for use in the cafeteria with a 50€ credit, 
    an orientation program, 
    monthly pass for use on Lille transportation system, 
    access to university facilities, 
    fieldtrips to Bruges and Brussels, 
    5 group dinners, cultural and social activities, 

-    Administration fees: normally non-refundable after registration

-    機票(由參與者自行預訂)
-    在法國就讀期間,健康和旅行保險是強制性的。25歲及以下的學生可以透過里爾天主教大學以每學期100歐元的價格訂閱ESP保險。26歲或以上的學生每學期需支付150歐元。您也可以選擇購買自己的保險。

Does NOT include:
-    Flight ticket (booked by the participant)
-    Health and Travel insurance coverage is mandatory to study in France. Students 25 years and under can subscribe to ESP coverage through the Université Catholique de Lille for 100€ per session. Students 26 years or older for 150€ per session. You can also subscribe your own insurance.

Prof. Vincent ROLLET (Graduate Institute of European Studies, French Department) will lead the group of students who plan to go to Lille to participate to this program and will help them to prepare administrative documents to register to the ESP. 

如果有任何問題,歡迎隨時Email詢問隨團 羅老師。 
If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Vincent Rollet at: vincent.rollet59@gmail.com 

For further information: 

ESP 2024 website:   https://www.univ-catholille.fr/en/lille-esp 
ESP 2024 Brochure: https://www.univ-catholille.fr/sites/default/files/Downloadable%20Documents/Brochure%20ESP%202024%20light.pdf

ESP 2024 Draft Schedule June-July: https://www.univ-catholille.fr/sites/default/files/ESP/ESP%202024/ESP2%202024%20Draft%20Calendar.pdf