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發布日期 2024-03-11 15:48:00

二月份南台灣天空突然出現超低空飛行的飛機引起大眾的好奇,原來是美國太空總署(NASA)正在進行亞洲空氣品質航空和衛星調查(NASA Asia-AQ),二架NASA所屬的DC-8、C- 20科研飛機,低空飛行以蒐集地形、大氣環流、空汙樣本。這項由NASA領導的計畫與數個亞洲國家合作,包括韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國等,而台灣環境部則與NASA合作高屏3D空品實驗。

在NASA科研飛機飛越高屏地區時,曾經飛越高雄文藻外語大學的上空,因緣際會,3月7日NASA飛行科研計畫通訊部主管Brenna Biggs博士特別安排一場與文藻外語大學學生的視訊座談。會中,Biggs博士介紹了亞洲空氣品質航空和衛星調查(NASA Asia-AQ)的內容,更透過照片和影片展示了NASA引以為傲的科學研究機群,此次飛越台灣的DC-8正是NASA機群中最大的飛行實驗室,機上沒有豪華的內裝,但配備了最先進的檢測與實驗設備,科學家們可以第一手接收採集到的研究數據。


Biggs博士也預告NASA科研飛機下次飛越南台灣的時間正是3月13日,她邀請台灣民眾當天別忘了留意天空翱翔的動靜。民眾也可以透過計畫網站追蹤NASA科研飛機的飛行狀態 https://airbornescience.nasa.gov/tracker/

NASA Research Aircraft Flies Over Southern Taiwan to Collect Air Quality Data
In February, two NASA research aircraft, a DC-8 and a C-20, flew over southern Taiwan at low altitudes to collect data on topography, atmospheric circulation, and air pollution samples. The flights were part of the NASA Asia-AQ (Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality) campaign, a collaborative effort between NASA and several Asian countries to study air quality in the region.
One of the flights took the aircraft over Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Kaohsiung. Dr. Brenna Biggs, lead of NASA ASP Science Communications, took the opportunity to give a virtual talk to students at the university about the NASA Asia-AQ campaign.
In her talk, Dr. Biggs discussed the causes and effects of air pollution, and how NASA is using research aircraft to study the problem. She also showed photos and videos of the NASA research fleet, including the DC-8, which is the largest flying laboratory in the fleet. The DC-8 is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments that allow scientists to collect real-time data on air quality.
Dr. Biggs also discussed the challenges of studying air pollution, and how the NASA Asia-AQ campaign is helping to improve our understanding of the problem. She answered questions from the students and encouraged them to learn more about air quality and how they can help to reduce it.
The next time the NASA research aircraft will fly over southern Taiwan is on March 13. Dr. Biggs invited the public to look up and watch for the aircraft. You can also track the flight status of the NASA research aircraft on the project website: https://airbornescience.nasa.gov/tracker/