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第五屆文藻歐洲論壇 The 5th Wenzao European Forum

發布日期 2022-10-06 16:09:00


2022 歐洲展望:從危機到振興,邁向新篇章

The 5th Wenzao European Forum
Europe 2022 and beyond: Through Crises to Resilience - Opening New Chapters 


icon宗旨 | Aim of the Forum

iconiconicon報名 | Forum Registration

icon徵稿啟事 | Call For Papers

icon議程 | Forum Agenda


Date of Forum     

Nov. 18th, 2022 (Friday)

Online registration period    

Oct. 17th - Nov. 14th, 2022

研討會地點 | Venue

International Conference Room (A313), Administration Building, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages




宗旨| Aim of the Forum








The Graduate Institute of European Studies at Wenzao Ursuline University organizes its 5th Wenzao European Forum on 18th November 2022 and calls for contributions. The annual forum provides a platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in European Studies. The forum is organized to provide an international platform for scholars, researchers, and students to share their research findings with experts.

This year we reach out and invite speakers to submit contributions discussing how Europe evolved during the recent crises (Ukraine war, Covid-19 global pandemic, climate crisis, energy crisis, global supply chain disruptions) and aim to strengthen resilience. 

Over the past years, we realized that previously walked paths have either failed to bring the wished results or had negative side effects. Since continuing the old paths is not feasible anymore it is time for Europe to open new chapters (“Zeitenwende”) for embracing a more resilient future.

Europe has to acknowledge that new approaches are needed to ensure a future based on democratic values, and a safe, healthy and sustainable environment for its people driven by an innovative and prosperous economy. Given that crises can set free forces for changes to undertake previously unthinkable steps. 

European countries and the EU needs to re-think their directions and adjust their policies in numerous fields. This forum aims to identify in what areas European actors seek to walk such new paths, breaking with the past and opening new chapters to promote resilience. 

Resilience – understood as the ability of a system to absorb and recover from external shocks by adapting and transforming to address long-term changes and uncertainties – can be achieved in several ways and includes many issue areas. From national security, energy security, to climate action, public health, education, social welfare, economic restructuring, to digitalization efforts. 

The forum welcomes contributions from various disciplines (political sciences, economy, sociology, educational studies, environmental studies, etc.) to reveal emerging patterns on how European actors (states, organizations, regions, etc.) have responded to challenges and are seeking to lay the foundations adjusting their policies, institutional structures or strategies.


主辦單位 | Organizer

文藻外語大學歐洲研究所 | Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung

聯絡資訊 Contact

聯絡人: 黃小姐 
電話: 07-3426031 分機7902    
Contact: Miss Huang 
Tel: 07-3426031 ext. 7902    
E-mail: ES0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw    

Details and schedule may be subject to change if necessary due to Covid-19