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Workshop on Intl. Environmental Agreements by Dr. Reinhard Zeitler

發布日期 2021-11-24 13:28:00

Workshop on
International Environmental Agreements: International Aspects

Dr. Reinhard Zeitler


The workshop on international environmental agreements, organized by the European Union Center and the Graduate Institute of European Studies, invites German senior government official Dr. Reinhard Zeitler to discuss the international agreements on important environmental issues. In the four-day session from 30 Nov. to 3 Dec. 2021, eight participants from the Wenzao University learn about the international frameworks and norms underlying the talks, design and enforcement of various international environmental agreements. In turn, they are tasked with the study and presentation of four workshop-related articles at the final meeting on 20 Dec.

由文藻歐盟園區和歐洲研究所舉辦之「國際環境協議工作坊」邀請德國資深官員Reinhard Zeitler博士來解析為應對全球重要環境議題而制定的全球協議。從2021年11月30日到12月3日,來自文藻外語大學的八位學員不僅認識了促進國際環境協議之討論、制定和實施的架構和規範,也負責研讀四篇相關文章,並在活動的最後一天12月20日進行報告。



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Image 1. Promotion material of the workshop


this topic

Image 2. The workshop is held online, facilitating discussions across long distances.



Conducted in English, the workshop dives into the environmental issues including::

  • ozone depletion (Vienna Agreement, Montreal Protocol),
  • long-range transboundary air pollution (Geneva Convention),
  • climate change (UNFCCCs),
  • persistent organic pollutants (Stockholm Convention).

Under each topic, the seriousness of the issue is emphasized, followed by the introduction of the past agreements addressing the issue. The details of each agreement are further reviewed to explain:

  • the principles mitigating the conflicting interest of each nation,
  • the institutions facilitating dialogues,
  • the mechanism for the effective implementation of the agreement.

Finally, the achievement and challenges of the agreement are brought up to conclude each topic.



  • 臭氧層稀薄(維也納公約和蒙特婁議定書)
  • 長距離跨境空汙(日內瓦公約)
  • 氣候變遷(聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約)
  • 持久性有機汙染物(斯德哥爾摩公約)


  • 減少各國利益衝突的原則
  • 促進對話進行的機構
  • 為確保公約順利施行而設的機制



Meanwhile, the participants, in groups of two, are asked to study and summarize four workshop-related articles into posters, which are presented at the final meeting.



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Image 3. Schedule for the last meeting, detailing the topics of the presentation and the group members.



After the presentations, a special guest shares the experiences at the UNFCCC conventions, marking the end of the workshop.


Workshop Outcome

Group 1  this topic

Group 2 this topic

Group 3 this topic

Group 4 this topic