【NEWS】2021/04/20 Prof. Armin Ibitz in an interview with Antonia Märzhäuser for Atmota on the relationship between Germany, China, and Taiwan
發布日期 2021-06-01 09:51:00
On Apirl 20th, 2021, Prof. Armin Ibitz in an interview with Antonia Märzhäuser for Atmota on the relationship between Germany, China, and Taiwan.
Artical name : Is Germany Europe’s Weak Link When It Comes To Taiwan’s Safety?
Artical link : https://atmota.com/is-germany-europes-weak-link-when-it-comes-to-taiwans-safety/
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Atmota is an online magazine focusing on contemporary Asian stories and providing analysis on culture, politics, economics, and technology. At the heart of Atmota is a devotion to data and finding the personal and societal threads within.