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【花絮】06/19-06/21 羅文笙教授帶領學生前往越南河內海外研習

發布日期 2019-06-24 11:00:00

Study Trip to Hanoi, Vietnam (19-21 June 2019)

2-2-1 海外研習(in 越南)

From June 19th to June 21st , 2019, Prof. Vincent and students taking the course on “EU’s Foreign Policy” have conducted a study trip to Hanoi, Vietnam.

During this study trip they met and discussed with the EU ambassador in Vietnam as well as officers from the EU delegation in Vietnam working on different topics such as development, energy, trade, human rights, democracy and public health.

They also met with the director of the Institute of European Studies affiliated to the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and several other scholars working on EU/ASEAN/ Vietnam relationship.

At the invitation of the EU Ambassador in Vietnam,  they also had the opportunity to participate to a conference on “EU’s future after the European elections” during which students asked several questions related to the topic.

2019 年 06 月 19 日至 06月 21 日,本所羅文笙文教授(Vincent Rollet)執行 108 年度高等教育深耕計畫,配合「歐盟對外關係專題」專業選修課程,帶領九位學生赴越南河內進行海外研習。




this topic

With the EU Ambassador to Vietnam / 與歐盟駐越南大使合影

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Discussion with  the EU Ambassador to Vietnam / 與歐盟駐越南大使進行會談

this topic

With EU officers of the Development and Cooperation Section / 與歐盟發展與合作部門官員會談

this topic

With EU officer from the Political and Press Section / 與歐盟政治和新聞部門官員合影

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With EU officer from the Public Health Section / 與歐盟公共衛生部門官員合影

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With Director and scholars from the Institute of European Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences / 與越南社會科學翰林院歐洲研究所所長及學者合影

this topic

Lunch with Director and scholars from the Institute of European Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. / 與越南社會科學翰林院歐洲研究所所長及學者共進午餐。

